13 July, 2007

Friday the 13th!!!

Here's the link to listen to this week's show.

"Cumberland Blues"-Grateful Dead, "Working Class Hero"-John Lennon, "The Dirty Jobs>Helpless Dancer"- The Who, Kamikaze aka Mr. Shonuff, "Living for the City"-Stevie Wonder, "Goodbye Earl"-Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, "Backward"-Kode9 and the SpaceApe, "1Nation"-Dead Prez and Outlawz,

What is Socialism?
Democracy to society and the economy. Build quality affordable housing, not line corporate pockets by building expensive condos for profit!

Matt Geary for Boston City Council At-Large: votegeary.com!
an Independent Socialist Candidate. He has pledged to only take $35,000 out of the $80,000 that city councilors make, donating the rest back to social justice causes.

Solidarity Announcements:
Party for Greater Boston Stop the Wars Coalition:
Friday @ 7:00pm
Spontaneous Celebrations
Jamaica Plain, MA

An alternative, fun &
energizing anti-war event/party/mixer/concert
to benefit the Coalition
7:00 pm – 1:00 am. 21+ only
$10 donation/ no one turned away for lack of funds
Contact: Brian O’Connell, 617-947-8983

Anti-war strategy Session:
11:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 14
33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor (Chinatown)

Sicko: an excellent movie about Healthcare: www.michaelmoore.com

Healthcare website: www.masscare.org

Reading the Papers:
Boston Herald on the House voting to withdraw troops
Cindy Sheehan to run against Nancy Pelosi
Mumbles Menino what is he doing? NO Casinos in Boston!
Ten Million More sought for Columbus Center
Boston Globe: Healthcare not free for the poor

President can declare martial law
Boston Globe: Mr. Butch died in an auto-accident
Ex-pension boss jailed as dead-beat dad

Income Gap too wide says majority of people

International Union Created: SEIU merges with international unions
blog.aflcio.org - firefighters and families say Giuliani made serious mistakes, costing firefighters their lives. Giuliani's leadership is challenged.
Surgeon General says he won't put politics first

1 comment:

Joshua K said...

Hey, an update about Chris's Unionizing vote:


Wonderful news from Chris, who just asked me to send out the word on this morning’s NLRB vote:

All five of Chris’s co-workers at Zipcar voted to be represented by Teamsters Local 25.

Congratulations, Chris, to you and your co-workers, on your excellent Victory!

